I am a Labor Democrat who has been with the Bulwark nearly since it began. Though it might be correct to say it is center-right based on who the players are and what their backgrounds are, I believe they've moved enough leftward to be termed "centrist" properly.

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Excellent recommendation Wisely. I've been reading you for a bit now and you have impressive talent and judgement, especially for someone your age (which, if I understand correctly, is around nineteen-ish). Certainly moreso than I did in my first year of college.

Journalism needs more people like you, and your generation needs your influence. The only way out of our current disinformation dystopia is for the younger generations to become smarter than we are now. The world is facing an adjustment not unlike the centuries following the invention of the printing press, except now the technological innovations are coming at us much faster, and we don't have centuries to adjust.

You all will have to learn new standards of interfacing with our information landscape. My generation (X) and older, and even to some extent Millennials, are hindered by coming of age during a time where you didn't have to sort through so much garbage, the right wing propaganda complex either didn't exist or was in its infancy, and our "elite" academic institutions hadn't been compromised with indoctrination by the left-wing radicals that killed progressivism in the late '60s and early 70's.

In short, many of us just aren't cut out to make the transition from small-minded, provincial conspiracy theorists in love with our own cynicism to sober-minded, well informed citizens, and I have no illusions that I'll live to see things improve much. There are only so many structural fixes that can be pursued under the current circumstances. At some point, our citizenry just has to be better. Reading your articles gives me hope that my son won't inherit a broken world. I do appreciate it.

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Eric, thank you so much for the kind words! I am glad you appreciate and enjoy my type of content, and feel hopeful about the world in the future. In the end, that is what I hope my writings can contribute to.

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Oh, and I just noticed I misspelled your name above. Maybe because "wisely" just seems appropriate. 🙂 Cheers.

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